About Photography

About Photography

   We all know that we love clicking pictures whether from a portable mobile phone or from a camera. Mobile phones offers an easy manageable settings to click photos instantly but clicking pictures from a camera requires at least a little effort and basic knowledge to click better picture than a mobile phone. But nowadays we are seeing that smartphones are giving tough competition to the DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera as they produce a better image instantly. Even an amateur can click better photos from a normal smartphone.

Photography is all about telling a story. A picture should tell a story or should have a meaning to it. It is all about adventures, colors, light, moments. One can consider photography as a combination of both science and art. It is a science that allows us to record the reality which would not have been possible without photographs. And it is a form of art where different artists, creators and photographers click pictures that allures the viewer.

Photography as seen a powerful tool

There is no doubt that photos helps a lot in our daily life. It reminds of the time we spent, the feelings and expressions of people in the past. It gives us joy and sometimes reminds us of the difficult time that we had to go through in the past. Photography is everywhere, media, filming, digital marketing, advertising, a professional photoshoot, live videos, and many. Photography may be considered as a powerful tool but it completely depends on the photographer how he wants us to see the world or how he sees it.

About Photography
There is a perception in people that it is the job of a camera to click better pictures but in fact, it depends on the person who is clicking the photo. It depends mainly on light and a photographer is the best person who understands light and clicks fantastic photos. But due to the advancement of technology in photography a simple photo or a damaged photo can be transformed and may look like the best ever clicked photo. Thus, one should not jump into conclusion by just seeing a photograph. There are a lot of things happening in the photography world where consumers are deceived from an advertisement which is a powerful tool to influence people.

Some Facts about Photography

Here are some more facts about photography you may like it.
  • Greek meaning of "Photography" is drawing with light. Also the word "camera" originated from the word "camera obscura" meaning dark chamber.

  •  The First Colored Photograph Was Taken in the year 1861 clicked by Thomas Sutton.
About Photography

  • The oldest image was taken almost 200 years ago which took 8 hours to capture. The image was clicked by Joseph Niepce and named ‘view from the window’.
About Photography

  • Do you know the cameras that captured moon surface are still there? 12 Hasselblad cameras were taken during Apollo 11, the astronauts left it behind to bring 25 kilos of moon rock samples.

    • Ihagee introduced the world’s first 35mm Single Lens Reflex (SLR) camera. Here is the image.
        About Photography

        • Dilish Parekh of Mumbai, India has more than 4,425 antique cameras in his collection. He has the largest collection of camera in the world.
        About Photography

        Photography is a universal language that does not need any skills to make your audience understand. A photo is understandable when a user looks into it. Though a photograph may have a different meaning to different people.

        The three fundamentals of photography which we should always remember are Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO. These three are the main components that we need to understand to produce outstanding pictures from a camera. Know more about these in the next blog. Thank you for reading.

        I hope you like this! More information is awaiting.
